
Thirteen-year-old Mohammed* was displaced from his home in Mosul when ISIS seized control of the city in 2014. “When ISIS came we moved to a different place outside Mosul,” explains Mohammed. “But then ISIS came there so we came back to a different neighbourhood in the city. That’s when our house was hit by a rocket.” Mohammed and his brother Omar* both suffered shrapnel injuries as a result of the rocket. His father was also affected badly by the attack, explains Mohammed. “My brother and me were both were injured,” he says. “My brother was bleeding so much. Our mother took us to the hospital and my father got sick because of what he has been through.”
Mohammed and his brother are now receiving psychosocial support from Save the Children. “When Save the Children were not here, I wasn’t good,” says Mohammed. “But when they started visiting us, I became better.”
* Names have been changed to protect identities